Aspire | Winter 2025

Riding the Wave

A new presidential administration brings new priorities and a fresh set of opportunities and challenges for investors.


The coming year is likely to prove eventful as investors gauge the impact of actions in Washington, DC on the economy and markets. Overall, we are constructive on equities and fixed income, although we believe that performance leadership may see shifts, favoring a flexible approach and the revisiting of current asset allocations. From a planning perspective, this could be a time to watch, wait and prepare as legislation unfolds.

In this issue of Aspire, we consider the current environment and offer insights on investment trends, politics and planning opportunities.

The year ahead is likely to bring fresh challenges, from the economy to geopolitics to technological change, and we are eager to leverage our capabilities and insights to continue to capitalize on opportunities and manage risk on your behalf.

- Stephanie Birrell Luedke, 私人財富管理主管

Aspire to... DIVERSIFY

Private Markets: As the Ice Breaks

Aspire to... INNOVATE

Refining Sustainable Investing Through Active Management

Aspire to... PLAN

Waiting Game on Taxes and Planning

Aspire to... ENGAGE

Trump 2.0: Built for Speed

We approach client partnership in a different way. With a sole focus on wealth management, we take the time to understand your values and vision, so we can tailor solutions aligned to your purpose and investment goals. Each advisor team brings the full depth and breadth of all NB Private Wealth has to offer.


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The views expressed herein may include those of the Neuberger Berman Multi-Asset Class (MAC) team, Neuberger Berman’s Asset Allocation Committee and Neuberger Berman’s Private Wealth Investment Group. The Asset Allocation Committee is comprised of professionals across multiple disciplines, including equity and fixed income strategists and portfolio managers. The Asset Allocation Committee reviews and sets long-term asset allocation models, establishes preferred near-term tactical asset class allocations and, upon request, reviews asset allocations for large, diversified mandates. Tactical asset allocation views are based on a hypothetical reference portfolio. The NB Private Wealth Investment Group analyzes market and economic indicators to develop asset allocation strategies. The NB Private Wealth Investment Group consists of five investment professionals and works in partnership with the Office of the CIO. The NB Private Wealth Investment Group also consults regularly with portfolio managers and investment officers across the firm. The views of the MAC team, the Asset Allocation Committee and the NB Private Wealth Investment Group may not reflect the views of the firm as a whole, and Neuberger Berman advisers and portfolio managers may take contrary positions to the views of the MAC team, the Asset Allocation Committee and the NB Private Wealth Investment Group. The MAC team, the Asset Allocation Committee and NB Private Wealth Investment Group views do not constitute a prediction or projection of future events or future market behavior. This material may include estimates, outlooks, projections and other “forward-looking statements.” Due to a variety of factors, actual events or market behavior may differ significantly from any views expressed or any historical results. Nothing herein constitutes a prediction or projection of future events or future market or economic behavior. The duration and characteristics of past market/economic cycles and market behavior, including length and recovery time of past recessions and market downturns, is no indication of the duration and characteristics of any current or future market/economic cycles or behavior.

Tax planning and trust and estate administration services are offered by Neuberger Berman Trust Company. “Neuberger Berman Trust Company” is a trade name used by Neuberger Berman Trust Company N.A. and Neuberger Berman Trust Company of Delaware N.A., which are affiliates of Neuberger Berman Group LLC.

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Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC is a registered investment adviser. The “Neuberger Berman” name and logo are registered service marks of Neuberger Berman Group LLC.